

はじめまして。 「ほっと一息、おうち抹茶ガイド」のサイトへようこそ。

こちらのサイトでは、今ある日常の中にお抹茶の時間をプラスすることで「癒され、ほっと一息つける。」 「今ここにいる。」


nice to meet you. Welcome to the “Take a breather, home matcha guide” website.

On this site, by adding matcha time into your daily life, you can be healed and take a breather'' andbe here now.”
Everyone who has matcha in their hands can spend time feeling like this! This is a site that aims to support you.



We will suggest how to make matcha, products and utensils that are easy to pick up even for first-timers, ways to apply the essence of the tea ceremony to your daily life, and ways to enrich your soul.

Also, I would like to introduce things that are compatible with modern people and their lifestyles, without being tied to Japanese traditions just because they are matcha or tea ceremony.


Nanaと申します。 小さな茶道教室をしていた祖母の影響で、なんとなく気になっていたお茶の世界。




My name is Nana. I became interested in the world of tea due to the influence of my grandmother, who ran a small tea ceremony class.
However, I only became seriously interested in the tea ceremony after my grandmother quit her job as a teacher.
I started attending tea lessons when I was 20 years old, and thanks to the influence of the teachers I met, I fell in love with tea even more, and have continued to learn tea for over 10 years.
I have struggled at my job as a nurse, but there were times when I became depressed and felt unwell and was unable to work as much as I wanted.



自分を大切にし、そこからまた大切な人を思いやる、日本だけでなく海外へも連鎖の輪が広がっていく。 一碗の抹茶にピースフルなイメージをもっています。

I spend a long time struggling on the ocean floor, but when I think about my life and what I want to do, I realize that I really want to help people through my love of tea ceremony. Something came out. The tea ceremony, which is a comprehensive art, is too deep, but I want Japanese people to be able to easily experience the deliciousness of matcha.
Taking care of yourself and then caring for your loved ones will spread the chain not only in Japan but also overseas. A bowl of matcha has a peaceful image.



おうち抹茶の時間は 『今、自分がここに生きている喜び』 『ほっと心の豊かさを感じられる』 『静寂のなかで、特別なリフレッシュ効果をもたらす』等、キリがないほどたくさんの要素があると気づきました。

I drink and enjoy matcha at home almost every day, but I noticed something during that time. Matcha time at home is filled with so many elements, such as the joy of being here now,''feeling the richness of your heart,” and “bringing a special refreshing effect in silence.” I realized that there is.

自分を大切にし、心に安心感が芽生えると、生活もゆたかになる。 何か他のことにチャレンジしてみようという勇気も湧いてきます。


When you take care of yourself and develop a sense of security in your heart, your life will become richer. It also gives me the courage to try something else. I feel that being able to make many people feel this way and provide them with a happy time where they can spend their time in their own way is also rewarding for me.




We would like to introduce tea utensils that are easy to pick up even for first-timers, how to use them, and tips, so we hope you will take your time to take a look. Starting a tea ceremony may be difficult, but by making matcha at home, you can easily experience Japanese culture and create a rich space in your daily life. We would be happy if we could make suggestions that will make you feel at ease during your daily tea time.
Thank you for your support.

